Unexpected Histopathological Finding: A Case report of Schistosoma Ova in Prostate Adenoma
Prostate adenoma, Prostatectomy, Schistosoma ovaAbstract
Background: Schistosomiasis of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts is wellknown, yet its chronic effect on host genitalia such as the prostate is often ignored or overlooked. This report describes an incidental finding of Schistosoma ova in a prostate adenoma.
Case: A 66-year-old man from a schistosomiasis endemic area in northeastern Nigeria presented with symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction. The Prostatespecific antigen (PSA) was normal, and he had no family history of prostate cancer. Histopathology of the prostate adenoma removed at open prostatectomy had multiple foci of acute and chronic inflammation with calcified Schistosoma ova and areas of luminal abscesses, and there were no foci of malignancy. A diagnosis of prostate adenoma with schistosomiasis was made.
Conclusion: Genital schistosomiasis should be a differential diagnosis of prostate pathologies, especially in patients who live in or have recently visited schistosomiasis endemic communities.